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100 Sweet Love Texts Messages for Her (2020)

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It's time to spoil your lover with the best of Romantic Love Text Messages you can ever find online.
Even more than that, these collection is so sweet that your lover would tumble in love at them. 
Sweet love text for him Him? Sweet Love Texts message for her? Get the best of Love  text to girlfriend,  or Girlfriend. 
Enjoy the ride!
You can start in 2020 with sweet words by using some of these beautiful long sweet messages to serenade your girlfriend.

Romantic Love Paragraphs for Her from the Heart

Here are some of the Sweetest and most romantic long sweet messages for your girlfriend from the heart. The very best of cute and romantic love paragraphs for her from the heart.
1. I look at you daily and I am convinced that one of the best decisions I have made in my life has to be agreeing to be with you. You are the one for me now, as you have been for years now – nothing will stop the fact that you will be the one for me until aeon.
2. It is easy – life is easy, breathing is easy, succeeding is easy. Every single thing became easy since you came into my life. I would be an ingrate to say that all the goodness that I have been enjoying have nothing to do with you.
3. A lot of things always come to mind when you appear at the door. But, I mostly end up saying little. Because, even after so many months, getting used to a beauty like yours is hard work. You make my tongue tied in the most beautiful way.
4. I have been taught so much about live in months than I have ever learned all these years. Thanks to you, I know now that love does not hurt, that love is formed from a tethering that is sacred and a friendship that is dipped in honey.
5. Your voice is the sound I will keep resonating wit and your face is the one I will trust forever. What is there not to cherish about your person. You remain forever in my heart
6. You are the love I have prayed so long for. I am eternally grateful that someone who completes me this perfectly found me before it is too late. I am grateful for you because I understand that not all humans in the world are lucky to have the love of their life.
7. You are the sweetness I never thought was possible. How you made me feel when we first met was the beginning of the journey to debunking the belief that love is a façade. You are indeed the miracle of my life.
8. I am here to tell you that you are the love for me. No one in the world can make me feel as you do, no one in the world can do the things that you do. I hope that you listen and believe all I have come to say because I can’t wait to start building the future with you.
9. I feel like a lot of moments have passed between us that I have failed to make you know how much you mean to me. From now onward, I am committed to making sure you know that I do not want to continue in this world without you.
10. You are simply the sweetest person I know and you are the only person I know I will be loving until aeon. Come what May girlfriend, you remain my number one cheerleader and caregiver. I love and adore you.
11. I have had to interact with a lot of girls to know that your kind is rare. The fact that the universe has blessed me with someone of your class and calibre is enough sign that I am loved and blessed. I love you and all that you signify.
12. The reason I am still grinding and pushing to be the best version of myself is that you are present in my life with full-blown love. Your kind of support is enough to inspire greatness in anyone. I am glad that I got lucky.
13. Having you in my corner has to be one of the best things to ever happen to me. I tell you this often and you better believe that I always feel like I do not say it enough. You may need to have a sneak peek into my heart to know just how much you mean to me.
14. You make me feel on top of the world. The tiniest efforts you make into being yourself is enough to keep me hypnotized. What am I saying? You really do not have to put in any effort and I will still choose you a million times over. That is how much you have come to mean to me.
15. I am hopeful that this journey we have decided to start together will last long and outlast all the challenges that are bound to surface. Because, at the end of it all, the person I am sure I want standing next to me is you, my dearest girlfriend.
16. I never knew I was ready to walk through this journey until I set my eyes on you. Now, it feels like a second skin and I honestly would not know what to do without you being in my life with full-blown love.
17. A lot of the things I know now and have come to agree with were things I vehemently stood against about a few months ago. Love truly changes everything and I am glad that it is the love of someone has perfect has you that has changed me and is still changing me for the better.

18. Dearest girlfriend, I am not in the business to stay forever perfect. But, one thing you can be sure to never catch me doing is being dishonest. What I feel for you is genuine and I take a stand this day to be always true to how I feel about you and us.
19. I can almost imagine some of the hurdles that will appear later in this relationship. Although, I am trying to keep a brave face and pretend like it does not bother me. It does. What does not bother me, however, is that I will tire of loving you. That is never going to happen.
20. I am as sure as I am of my lineage as I am of this love sprinting through my bones and dancing in my heart for you. You do not have any reason to worry because I will be loving you for a long time.
21. You never have to doubt that what I have for you is genuine and what we share is true. But, because I am aware that it is human nature to doubt, I am committed to reminding you of the love that we share every day of my life.
22. Having you as a support for as long as I can remember has been the greatest highlight of my life. I am so glad that you no longer have to just be a friend as you do all the wonderful things you do. You being my girlfriend sure has more than a nice ring to it.
23. Things are beginning to shape in my life. I started feeling this way ever since you said yes to my proposal and if things continue to feel this great, I am sure of permanency. You are the love I have been waiting for.
24. I am very happy that the universe has decided to smile at me. What so many have waited so long for, I have gotten on a gold platter. It makes it even more beautiful that I got the best, YOU.
25. You are the dearest person to my heart right now. I love a lot of things – ranging from books to movies to hangouts with friends and moments spent with you have remained the best of all the things I love about my life.
26. There is no need for long epistles on why I love you – I mean, it is a consensus that you are a class act, chic and very kind to a fault. By standard, you are every man’s dream and I can’t seem to get over the fact that you are mine.
27. When people talk of God’s blessings, I talk about you. So many people find it hypocritical and silly that a human like me is someone I see as God’s most resolute blessing. I do not expect them to understand because not many have been made so happy by just the presence of a human in their life.
28. The world does not have to get us – as long as you keep making my heart feel this way and as long as you are as committed to this relationship as I am, I am going to be standing by you for the rest of our lives.
29. You are one of the greatest, most independent women I know. So, I am aware that you hardly need a protector. So, I am going to be whatever you need me to be every hour, minute and second of the day.
30. There is this joy that overwhelms my heart whenever I think of us and how far we have come. There are a thousand and one females in the world. But, you by far are still the one I will choose over and over if I had to choose again.
31. You are such a beauty to behold. I look at you and see a work of art that is to be cherished and kept like gold. You are a golden girl, and I am the luckiest man alive for the fact that you have chosen me as yours.
32. I am far from perfect- in so many areas, I fall short. But, you remain loyal and ever-loving. I am in awe of how you love me and promise to return all you do in the same fervour.
33. You could easily get any man to be on your matter and on your team – why you have chosen me, I may never understand, but, there is one thing I will never fail to do, that is loving you and showing you that I do with everything that I am and everything that I have.
34. I do not have much in terms of material. But, the little I have acquired over time, will be used to adore you. Because you deserve to be cherished and loved. I am so lucky to have you as my lover and girlfriend.
35. I will never understand how you still manage to take my breath away by just being you. If not putting any effort will make me love you this much. I do not know how outing effort will make me feel about you. You know what? Just be you. That is who I love and being you is enough for me.
36. I do not want to be the only one who feels like I am waiting on something whenever you are away from me. Yes! Call me whatever. But, with this much feeling, I am sure I have for you, I just hope daily that you at least feel just that much for me.
37. Being in love is beautiful when you are in it with someone that feels the same way and isn’t afraid to show it. I am forever grateful that I have decided to have a relationship with someone as physically and soulfully beautiful as you.
38. You are by far the most intriguing woman I have ever met. Five months have not been able to dampen how you make me feel and I am now quite sure that time has nothing on how I feel about you.
39. Given the way things have been between us in the past few days, I am sure that we will be spending a long time together. I am as excited about our future as I am excited about our present. I love you, girlfriend.
40. Whenever I close my eyes to pray, you appear with your smile as beautiful as ever – and from that point forward, I am always convinced about who and what I would be praying for. You are a part of me I never want to let go of.
41. I am here this morning thinking a lot about how far we have come. Amidst all odds, I cannot help but be thankful that we have had some great, inspiring couple moments. Without these beautiful moments, other irrelevances would have clouded our life. I hope to have more beautiful moments with you.
42. There is admiration in place for you, just as there is love. These two things are things I never have to worry will suddenly disappear because they have been present as long as I have known you.
43. There is no going back. With you, I am only convinced of one thing, moving forward. Not only am I convinced we will be moving forward, I know we will move into bliss, joy and more reasons to love and commit.
44. Every morning, before I bring the day’s business, I make it a point of duty to thank God for the blessings in my life – since, you came into my life, no morning has met me thankful without your name being on my lips.
45. You are a part of my life that can never be taken for granted. Of all the good things I have been blessed with this year, you are one that I most grateful for. I love you girl, and I am never going to stop letting you know that I do.
46. You have been a reason to smile when things were not working, you have been my anchor on days I needed support the most. I am both thankful for your unwavering support and committed to showing you the same in more measure. I love you girl.
47. When I decided you were the one I wanted to be spending my days and night with, I knew it was not going to be easy. Because easy does not begin to describe what we have been so far. But, I am ready for whatever with you, as long as you get to be around with full-blown love.
48. There is hope in my heart for a future that is bright and glittering, there is love in my heart to live this present time with the woman of my life and there is faith deep down somewhere in my soul enough to see us through all hurdles. I love you, girlfriend.
49. My dearest love, I am at a loss for words to describe how you much you have made me happy for as long as we have been together. I just want you to know that as long as you are mine, the things I cannot make up with words will be made up for in acts and deeds.
50. I am hopeful that we will last at least this last time. Beyond being hopeful, I am holding on to that possibility for a dear wife because I can’t see a happy me without you as my girl and lover. I am holding on.
51. I have been glowing differently since the birth of our relationship. While I cannot say that I have had it all smooth with you, I am well aware that you have been a major contributor to my glow and happiness. I love you.
52. There is nowhere I would rather be than next to you and I will rather be with no one if you won’t be with me. These facts remain now and forever, and I thought I would let you know now.
53. I do not take for granted every chance that I get to celebrate our love and journey. The world may be blind to all the greatness you inspire in me and cause around me. But, I am not blind. Neither am I void of feelings. I feel it greatly and I am committed to returning the energy in many folds.
54. There are days I feel like just being alone. I normally find that no matter how overwhelming these days turn out to be, there is one person I can never tire of being around. That person is you and I am grateful that the universe has brought you my way.
55. If not for anything, the fact that the whole world has chosen a specific day like today to celebrate the people who have been wonderful in our lives is enough to give you all the love that you deserve. I am sure that my love for you transcends show off on a particular day. But, who says show off is not equally acceptable?
56. You are obviously the one capable of upturning my mood or lighting things up. I do not know how it happened, but you, my dearest girlfriend, have my heart and will probably have it as long as I live.
57. There are days. Bad days, when all I want to be is far away from anything and everyone. Funnily enough, no matter how bad the day gets, I still find myself gravitation towards you. I love you, girlfriend.
58. You are such a female version of me, the only difference apart from gender is that you add such poise and class to your own being. I love you and I am glad that I get to do life with you.
59. The way to stand for me and support my dream is both awesome and humbling. Like, I have never been this loved by anyone in my entire life. It is a beautiful time to be active in a relationship.
60. I am glad that this part of my life is blossoming and working as supposed. Scratch that, this thing you have exposed me to in the space of a few months is more than I bargained for and I love you so much more every day for all that you are and the things that you do.
61. It is no longer up for debate that you are truly the one for me. All that is left to do is for me to show you just how much I want that to be a permanent thing. You are the one for me now and forever.
62. When people talk about love, you come quickly to mind. The first time it happened was when I decided to come talk to you. Ever since you said yes, it has been bliss and more happiness than I probably deserve.
63. I am you are as in love with me as I am with you. Cause, only then will we take this beautiful ride together without having to worry about the mundane things. I love you, and that is that on that.
64. I cannot be more factual than I am right now. You better believe when I tell you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
65. Up until a few months ago, if someone had flashed love in my face, I would have been tempted to smack them down. Now, love is all I seem to be able to think about and talk about. Kudos to what you have been able to steer in my heart.
66. My heart is owned by two people in the world now. I say this because I normally bragged that only I owned me and my heart. Now, I share the most valuable part of me with someone and it helps that the person is someone like you who is such a class act.
67. When I close my heart to sleep these days, I sleep assured that someone will soon come crawling into my dreams like she owned the land, because, she actually does. I love dreaming about you, girl.
68. You are the most beautiful person in the world. And that is just putting things mildly. You are one of the best persons with a cute face to grace the whole persona. I love you now, always and forever.
69. There are a lot of changes that will happen over time because truly change is constant. One thing that I am however convinced will always stand is my affinity for your finesse and beauty. As long as that stands, we can come back from anything.
70. You have no reason whatsoever to worry. And I say this from the place of deep scrutiny, my heart is convinced about you. You are the one I want to be spending forever with.
71. I look at you every morning and I can’t help but thank the universe for the woman you are and the woman you are becoming. In a few years to come, I feel like you will be way out of my league. Please, don’t break up then.
72. There is hardly anything about you that isn’t lovable. So, I get why people gravitate towards you. As I could not help it, they can’t either. But, more than the surface I have seen you, your essence and grit when you are at your lowest is how I know I am never letting you go.
73. A lot of relationships have come and have never felt this joy by just being a lover. If I never had to do any other thing in the world apart from love you all the days of my life, I would still be much chuffed.
74. You are the life I have chosen, I hope you know this, see this and believe this enough to also choose me to be your man forever, through thick and thin and through the many chaoses of the universe.
75. I am rooting for us. Before anyone does it, I am choosing to believe in this love story that has you and me at the centre of it. Join me as I believe and let us change our worlds together, for the best!
76. As long as you are the one I get to do life with, life is beautiful. I am at that point in my life where your presence alone gives me all the joy that all the money in the world cannot give me.
77. I think it is about time we took this to the next level; it was bound to happen at a point and I am convinced more than ever before that we deserve to have the best love story. It has been a long time coming and I am proud as ever that you are my girl.
78. Your dry humour, wit and the way you flawlessly beautify everything and everyone you come in contact with is a miracle. You are a moving miracle and I am glad that you moved towards me, now, my life is a blend of testimonies.
79. I hope I am not asking too much. I just figure you and I are at that point already. You have seen me as much as I have seen you. And if I still love you this much as I am sure you also do, we should be talking bout forever right now.
80. A lot of songs make me think of you. A lot of books I read remind me of your wisdom or something you once shared. My life now really revolves around you. We will be forever intertwined in this love and instead of fear, I feel free with you.
81. Your love has taught me more than anything to always be myself. You have taken your time and energy to help me grow. I am grateful every day. But, beyond gratitude, I opine that you deserve the best the world has to offer and I promise to make this happen in my small doses of love and adoration.
82. What I have for you is crystal clear; I am sure you see it when you look at my eyes and feel it when we touch, I sincerely hope that you never have to feel like I do not love you. I do adore you, my baby girl.
83. You are such a beautiful gem. Rare among so many treasures. You deserve to be loved and I promise that I and every other thing that joins our home later will do this for the rest p fur lives.
84. You are going to be great. That is not even up for debate. I hope that we always find our ways back to each other regardless of what challenges we encounter on our way to greatness. I hope because you are m anchor.
85. I am not oblivious of the fact that challenges are natural and peculiar to any love relationship. But, guess who is not going to give challenges chance for a ruin? Me! I am so putting all my effort to make us work. Let us do that together!
86. I am in love with you. I have known that it will come to this since I set my eyes on you. Now, I just want to spend the rest of my life adoring and caring for the one woman I have ever and will ever love.
87. The first thing that attracted me to you has to be your laughter. I heard you before I saw you and I will never have it another way. Because hearing you that day gave me a template of who I want to be hearing for the rest of my life.
88. You are the love I have searched so long for and I am not even kidding when I say that I am not letting you out of my sight and side ever. Let us keep making passionate love and lovely babies.
89. I have since known you to be a class act. These days, you have taken things a top-notch higher and it is almost enviable how you manage to stay fly after doing all that you do daily. I am proud to call you my girlfriend.
90. Not many people can proudly say behold my girlfriend! I am one lucky son of God that I got you. I am ever showing my gratitude in my disposition towards you. I love you girl, and you are about to start getting to know just how much.
91. I cannot reiterate this enough; I love you, and I am committed to making you happy. I only hope that the universe is kind to us and our love story blossoms daily. You are my queen, girl. Best believe that.
92. I see you in ways I have never seen any woman. I see your strength and grit and grace and I marvel daily and all the time that you are the one for me. How lucky I am? So lucky I can’t begin to explain.
93. People say that I do not deserve you. I agree. Because you are just so beauty personifies. In and out, you win hands down on the beauty contest. I am glad and do not take for granted the goodness of God.
94. I am not going to lie. The first time I saw you, I never thought I stood a chance and then you smiled at me, and I knew I had to try! I am so proud of myself that I tried. Here we are exchanging love words
95. I mean it when I say that you are the pillar in my life the way you hold a lot of things together for me is awesome. Even I marvel at your strength and grace. I sincerely do not think I am capable of repaying all you do, but, I promise to try.
96. You are the love of my teenage years, the friend of my youthful days and the wife I will marry. I am not in a rush to go to the next stage, I am so enjoying this friendship stage with the love of my life. You are loved.
97. You ooze sense and class. You have rubbed off on me so much that I have also begun to exude greatness. I am going to keep you around me for as long as I live. Call me selfish. But, I think you want to be with me as much as I do.
98. I cannot wait to share all the jokes in my head with you and watch cheesy romance movies with you. I seriously love when we argue. A lot of things I love about our relationship, still do not measure up to the love I have for you.
99. There are friends, and then there is you. Before we started dating, you showed me what true friendship means and since we started being romantically involved, you have even done more than I ever thought was humanly possible. I love you.
100. May our love shine and outshine all challenges. I hold on to this relationship because I am helplessly and hopelessly in love with the beauty that is you. Cheers to greater cheers and sweeter loving making.
Resilience is no longer what sells in a romantic relationship. What your girlfriend seeks is affection and some of the best ways to show just how good she makes you feel have been put together in beautiful words above.

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